red celebrate print baubles hang on green christmas tree

With Thanks to My Friends

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

The shorter, colder days that signal the beginning of the holiday season create a perfect time to gather with friends and family next to a warm fireplace and a glittering Christmas tree. The spicy aroma of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves from a Thanksgiving pumpkin pie baking in the oven, or the taste of peppermint flavoring a mug of hot cocoa provide comfort on snowy days.

Holiday celebrations also offer an opportunity to reflect on the events and accomplishments of the year drawing to a close and the people who have impacted our lives. In 2014, the publication of my book, Questioning Your Doubts: A Harvard PhD Explores Challenges to Faith, gave me many reasons to express gratitude to friends who have been faithful over many years as well as new friends who have joined me on this journey.

The editors, publicists, and members of the marketing team at InterVarsity Press are relatively new friends who have taught me many things this year and brought joy into my life. Editors, leaders, and friends in the National Office of the Assemblies of God have been a source of ongoing encouragement. WordServe Literary Agency, and the staff at have provided first-rate support, and I appreciate the many new friendships I have formed with other authors represented by this same agency.

Recently, the opportunity to appear on several radio shows, including one broadcast from KDKA1020 in my native city of Pittsburgh (the world’s first commercial radio station) has connected me with readers of my book across the country. I am especially grateful for readers like Jason on Brave Reviews, who have taken the time to share their insights about my book.

Discovering my book on sale worldwide in bookstores and through online retailers, has enlarged my circle of friends. However, knowing that my own local church named my book as Book of the Month filled my heart with gratitude, for they have been with me since the beginning of my ordained ministry.

Many of you receiving this message by email also have been with me since my early days as a writer and as a scientist. Thank you for your friendship. Have a wonderful holiday season!


Christina M. H. Powell PhD

Dr. Christina M. H. Powell, PhD works in the pharmaceutical industry and is also an ordained Assemblies of God minister and public speaker. She trained as a biomedical research scientist at Harvard Medical School, Harvard University and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry is from Penn State University.

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