As of January 2022, the current world population is 7.9 billion. You are one person. The current life expectancy in the United States for a baby born in the first half 2020 is 77.3 years. Does the life of one person out of nearly 8 billion matter? What of lasting value can be accomplished in a lifespan of less than one century? More specifically, does your life matter or will your life matter?
Stroll through a graveyard and you will realize the following:
The world was here before you arrived, and it will go on without you. This fact is true no matter how wealthy you are or how influential you have been in life. The birth and death dates on a gravestone attest to this truth.
You matter to your friends and family. Although the world will go on without you, you are irreplaceable. You are genetically unique (unless, of course, you are an identical twin). Your life experiences and your choices based on those experiences are unique (true even for identical twins). What you have to offer the world in the dash between the date of your birth and the date of your death is unique. You are valuable not because you are the smartest person in the room, the fastest runner in the race, or the richest person in town. You are valuable just as you are – with your strengths and your limitations, your courage and your doubts, your triumphs and your mistakes.
From a spiritual perspective, God loves you and values you. Read 1 John 4:7-12.
What will do today to live out your purpose?